Source from Business Communication Today (Courtland L. Bovee, John V.Thill, 10th edition)
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1. Explain the importance of adapting to your audiences and list three techniques for doing so.
By adapting your communication to the needs and expectations of your audience members, you provide more compelling answers to their questions and improve the chances that your messages will be received and decoded successfully. If your intended audience members think a message does not apply to them or does not offer them anything useful or interesting, they will be far less inclined to pay attention to it. You can adapt to audiences by being sensitive to audience needs, building strong relationships with your audiences, and controlling your style to achieve a businesslike tone.
2. Explain why establishing credibility is vital to the success of your communication efforts.
Your audience members’ response to every message you send depends heavily on their perception of your believability, based on how reliable they think you are and how much trust you evade in them. Even if you are trying to convey information that is correct in every way, audiences will be reluctant to accept your message if they don’t think you is a trust worthy source. Conversely, if audiences already accept you as a trustworthy source, they’ll be inclined to accept and believe all of your messages.
3. Discuss four ways of achieving a businesslike tone with a style that is clear and concise.
To ensure that messages are businesslike, clear, and concise, start by using a conversational tone: understand the difference between texting and writing, avoid stale and pompous language, avoid preaching and bragging, avoid intimacy unless you have a close relationship with the audience, and use humor with great care. Support your conversational tone by using plain language, which readers can understand on the first try without struggling with poor organization or ineffective language. Then select the best voice for your message. Use the active voice to emphasize the subject of the message and to produce shorter, stronger sentences; use the passive voice to be diplomatic, to avoid taking credit or placing blame, and to create an objective tone.
4. Briefly describe how to select words that re not only correct but also effective.
To select the best words, fist make sure they are correct b checking grammar and usage guides. Then choose words that have few connotations (to reduce the chance of misinterpretation) and no unintended negative connotations (to reduce the chance of offending your audience). Select words that communicate clearly, specifically, and dynamically. Choose words that are strong and familiar, avoid clichés be extremely careful with buzzwords, and use jargon only when your audience will understand it.
5. Explain how sentence style affects emphasis in a message.
The order and placement of words within each sentence affect the emphasis your audience perceives. You can employ the following techniques to focus emphasis on specific parts of the sentence: give the most important idea the most emphasis b dedicating more words to it , add an additional sentence to clarify the key idea from the first sentence, or put the key idea at either the beginning or the end of the sentence.
6. List five ways to develop unified, coherent paragraphs.
Effective paragraphs are both unified (focused on a single idea) and coherent (logically organized). We can develop paragraphs through illustration (giving examples), comparison or contrast (pointing out similarities or differences), cause and effect (giving reasons), classification (discussing categories), and problem and solution (stating a problem and showing how to solve it)
Interesting web:
1. Writing a Well-Structured Business Messages
http:// std.sustech.edu/MBA/Communications/STUTODAY04.PPT
From this website, we can learn how to plan business message and have effective business writing.