(Source from http://www.biojobblog.com/uploads/image/interview.jpg)
• Use the three-step process to create attention-getting application letters.
• Impress your reader with knowledge and professionalism- not gimmicks.
• The opening paragraph of your application letter needs to clearly convey the reason you’re writing and give the recipient a compelling reason to keep reading
• Use the middle section of your letter to expand on your opening, presenting a more complete picture of your strengths.
• Don’t bring up salary in your application letter unless the recipient has previously asked you to include your salary requirements.
• In the final paragraph of your application letter, respectfully ask for specific action and make it easy for the reader to respond.
2. Describe the typical sequence of job interviews
• Most organizations interview an applicant several times before extending a job offer.
• During the screening stage, try to differentiate yourself from other candidates.
• During the selection stage, you may interview with several people, perhaps at the same time.
• During the final stage, the interviewer may try to sell you on working for the firm.
• A structured interview follows a set sequence of questions, allowing the interview team to compare answers from all candidates.
3. Describe briefly what employers look for during an employment interview and reemployment testing
• Suitability for a specific job is judged on the basis of : academic preparation, work experience, job-related personality traits.
• Expect some questions about personal interests, world events, and other topics that help recruiters judge your personality and curiosity.
• Preemployment tests attempt to provide objective, quantitative information about a candidate’s skills, attitudes, and habits.
4. List six tasks you need to complete to prepare for a successful job interview.
• Interviewers expect serious candidates to know some basic information about the company and its industry.
• As you plan your responses to potential interview questions, be prepared o relate your qualification to the organization’s needs.
• Practice answering typical interview questions so that you can respond with confidence and complete answers.
• Plan questions that will help you decide whether the work and the organization are compatible with your goals and values.
• Blostering your confidence
• Polishing your interview style
• Presenting a professional image
• Being ready when you arrive.
5. Explain the three stages of a successful employment interview
• The first minute of an interview is crucial, so be ready and stay on your toes.
• You could face substantial questions as soon as interview starts, so make sure you are prepared and ready to go.
• Tailor your answers to emphasize your strengths.
• Paying attention to both verbal and nonverbal messages can help you turn the question –and-answer stage to your advantage.
• Well- trained interviewers are aware of questions they shouldn’t ask.
• Thinks about how you might respond if you are asked a potentially unlawfully question.
• Conclude an interview with courtesy and enthusiasm.
6. Identify the most common employment messages that follow an interview and explain when you would use each one.
• Six types of follow-up messages:
Thank-you message, message of inquiry,request for a time extension, letter of acceptance, letter declining a job offer, letter of resignation.
• Use the model for positive messages when you write a letter of acceptance.
• A letter declining a job offer should follow the model for negative message.
• Letters of resignation should always be written in a gracious and professional style that avoids criticism of your employer or your colleagues.
- Job Interviews. http://www.videojug.com/tag/job-interviews
- Traditional Employment Interview Questions http://www.quintcareers.com/interview_questions.html
- Interview Guide http://www.job-interview.net/