Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter 15 Completing Reports and Prosals

(Source from : http://lh5.ggpht.com/_aWIgl8YKozw/S1rYo4azahI/AAAAAAAAAWY/tOx76EP5C8I/right-question.jpg)

  1. Summarize the four tasks involved in completing business reports and proposals.

· Formal reports have a higher degree of polish and production quality, and they often contain elements not found in informal reports.

· Revising for clarity and conciseness is especially important for online reports because reading online can be difficult.

· In today’s leanly staffed companies, you should be prepared to produce formal reports with little or no assistance from design specialists or other professionals.

  1. Identify the major components of a formal report.

Report components can be divided into prefatory parts, text parts, and supplementary parts. Prefatory parts, which present and package your report, can include a synopsis or executive summary, a list of illustrations, the table of contents, a letter of transmittal, a letter of acceptance, a letter of authorization, a title page, a title fly, and a cover. Text parts include the standard message elements of introduction, body and close. Supplementary parts can include an index, a bibliography, and one or more appendixes.

  1. identify the circumstances in which you should include letters of authorization and letters of acceptance in your reports.

· A letter of authorization is a document that instructs you produce a report; a letter of acceptance is your written agreement to produce the report.

· A letter or memo of transmittal introduces your reports to your audience.

· If you don’t include a synopsis, you can summarize the report’s content I your letter of transmittal.

· To save time and reduce errors, use the table of contents generator in your word-processing softwars.

  1. Explain the difference between a synopsis and an executive summary

· A synopsis is a brief preview of the most important points in your report.

· An executive summary is a “mini” version of your report.

· No matter how many separate elements are in a formal report, the heart of the report is still the introduction, body, and close.

· Use an appendix for materials that are too lengthy or detailed for the body or not directly relevant to all audience members.

· A bibliography fulfills your ethical obligation to credit your sources, and it allows readers to consult those sources for more information.

· If your reports is lengthy, an index can help readers locate specific topics quickly.

  1. Identify the major components of a formal proposal

· Formal proposals must have a high degree of polish and professionalism.

· An RFP may require you include a copy of the RFP in your prefatory section; be sure to follow instructions carefully.

· Ask for proofreading assistance from someone who hasn’t been involved in the development of your proposal; he or she might see errors that you have been overlooking.

· Using portable document format (PDF) is a safe and common way to distribute reports electronically.

· When writing an RFP, be sure to give potential respondents all the information they need to craft a meaningful response to your request.

  1. Identify the major components to include in a request for proposals (RFP)

The content of RFPs varies widely from industry to industry and project to project, but most include background on the company, a description of the project, solution requirements, the criteria that will be used to make selection decisions, expectations for submitted proposals, and any relevant submission and contact information.


1. Proposal Writing Hints


2. How to Write a Proposal


3. Write A Business Report


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