1) Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of working in teams.
- More information
- Diversity of views
- Support for solutions
- Improved for performance
- Time Issues
- Groupthink
- Hidden agendas
- High costs
2) Identify eight guidelines for successful collaborative writing
- Select Collaborators
- Agree on Goals
- Take Time to Bond
- Clarify Responsibilities
- Clarify Processes
- Avoid Group Writing
- Ensure Compatibility
- Check Progress Ofen
3) Explain how meeting technologies can help participants communicate more successfully and describe the emerging role of social networing technologies in business communication.
Writing technologies:
- Content management systems
- Wiki sites
- Groupware
- Shared workspaces
Resoling team conflict:
- Proaction
- Communication
- Openness
- Research
- Flexibility
- Fair Play
- Alliance
Newworking technologies
- Social networks
- Virtual communities
Productive meeting
- Preparation
- Efficiency
- Technology
Meeting technologies:
- Virtual teams
- Virtual meetings
- Teleconferences
- Videoconferences
- Web-based systems
4) Describe the listening process and explain how good listeners overcome barriers at each stage of the process
The listening Process:
- Receiving
- Decoding
- Remembering
- Evaluating
- Responding
Barriers to listening:
- Interruptions
- Selective listening
- Selective Perception
- Language or Experience
- Memory Problems
5) Clarify the importance of nonverbal communication and briefly describe six categories of nonverbal expression.
- Facial expressions
- Gesture and posture
- Vocal characteristics
- Personal appearance
- Touching behavior
- Time and space
6) Discuss the importance of business etiquette.
- Workplace
- Social settings
- Online
Interesting Links:
http://books.google.com/books?id=v_fiV9666W8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=business+etiquette&source=bl&ots=crk6MtMDh-&sig=Dfn5jDfriCyb91gKbwYQlQ8S7EQ&hl=en&ei=702ZS8b5CIOXtgf1tYWxCQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBgQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q=&f=falseFrom this web, we can learn 101 ways of business etiquette.
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